What is Luxe Libris?

Luxe Libris is a newsletter featuring interviews with bookish people about style and bite-size examinations of cultural heritage and fashion. I’m interested in talking to people in the cultural heritage field about their relationship to getting dressed and exploring what archives and rare books reveal to us about how people have dressed in the past.

Issues will appear in your inbox monthly.

Who is Luxe Libris?

Luxe Libris is written by Christine Jacobson, a rare book and manuscript curator living in Cambridge, MA.

Can I recommend someone to be featured in Luxe Libris?

Yes! Please do nominate yourself or someone you know for an interview feature. I’d love to talk! This newsletter is not the arbiter of who is and who is not “stylish”—I’m interested in anyone interested in style, who finds joy in getting dressed, or is a fellow celebrator of clothing in all its glorious forms! Get in touch with me at christine.ejacobson [at] gmail.com.

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rare books, haute looks & sundry


Books, Fashion, Sundry